your passions...

those things that matter most to you are
clues to your life purpose and act as a sort of “inner GPS”
for the decisions you make in your life.

But what if you’re not 100% sure what your passions are?  I can help!

what is the passion test?

The Passion Test is a S-Y-S-T-E-M (Save Yourself Time, Energy & Money) developed by Janet Bray and Chris Attwood, co-authors of the NY Times bestseller, The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose. This process gives you the tools to discover and align with your Top 5 Passions to put yourself on your own personal path to fulfilling your ultimate purpose or destiny. It’s about learning how to identify, actualize and even monetize the things you would love to have most in your life, those things that would lead you to living your IDEAL life in all aspects all the time – those things that bring you love, joy, excitement and SET YOU ON FIRE!

Chris and Janet have spent more than 30 years studying what it takes to be successful and fulfilled in life. They sought out people who are living their lives to the max, manifesting their dreams, creating whatever it takes to be completely fulfilled. All of those interviewed agreed that their success had come from learning to identify and follow their Passions. The idea of living your passions is not new, but Janet and Chris have developed a SYSTEM that anyone can easily learn. The Passion Test process also introduces self-directed tools to remove any false beliefs, concepts or ideas that may be holding us back from moving in the direction of our Passions.

This SYSTEM is unbelievably easy to follow and can provide the most profound changes in your life you may have ever experienced. Understanding the power of different learning styles, Chris and Janet developed several different resources for learning the SYSTEM to accommodate anyone who wants to get started on a path of freedom, joy, and personal power. The resources include:

  • Janet Bray and Chris Attwood’s NY Times Bestseller, The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose, a self-directed guide that takes you through the complete Passion Test process.
  • Trained facilitators like myself, who are certified to teach the Passion Test through 1-on-1 consultations or 3-hour workshops.
  • The “Passionate Life Secrets Program”, a self-guided online interactive course that takes you through the process step-by-step at your own pace using a workbook, videos, a personal mentoring session and more.
  • Ongoing facilitator trainings around the world for those who want more depth personally or want to monetize their passion for living in passion by becoming certified to facilitate The Passion Test for others.

If you have an interest in learning more about this life-changing process, wish to purchase the book, or enroll in any of the available programs, please contact me. I love sharing information about this transformational work. It has and continues to enhance my life in ways I never imagined every moment of every day.

Terry Sidford Certified Passion Test Facilitator