Create a Life-Proof Remote Work Routine That Will Propel You to Success

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Whether you are self-employed, a freelancer, or are temporarily working from home due to COVID-19 restrictions, having the ability to work from anywhere can feel freeing. Being able to work in your pajamas, make your own hours, and never sit in rush hour traffic is downright thrilling. However, after a few weeks or months, testing the boundaries of your location independence can result in decreased productivity, increased stress, and eroded work-life boundaries.

The solution to this common problem lies in creating an effective routine that gives your day the necessary structure you need to thrive. Terry Sidford shares her top strategies for creating a life-proof remote work routine that will lead you to success.

Get dressed in work attire every morning

At first, working in your loungewear or pajamas definitely has a certain novelty to it. Over time, though, “showing up” to work this way can lead to a serious slide in your productivity. In fact, research has proven that wearing clothing that is aligned with your profession can increase productivity, and can even influence your feelings toward your work.

If you’ve opted for pajamas over work attire, now is the time to make this change. Before you start your workday, get ready as though you were going to an office. To make this change easier, set out your work clothes the evening prior so that you have one less thing to do in the morning.

Work from one consistent location

Another exciting part of working remotely is having the ability to change your work locale whenever you feel like it. One day you can work from the kitchen, and the next you can work at a coffee shop. Your office is wherever you want it to be.

Unfortunately, this perk can also be detrimental to your productivity. When you are constantly changing your work setting, you run the risk of inviting distractions into your workday. To keep focused throughout your day, choose to work from one consistent location. Having a dedicated home office is ideal since it can most effectively limit noise and external distractions. To further improve your focus, consider the use of noise-cancelling headphones.

Set working hours for each day of the week

If you are a freelancer or a self-employed business owner, one of the biggest perks of your job is getting to make your own hours. When used appropriately, this flexibility allows you to tackle unexpected emergencies, schedule important appointments, and meet client needs as they arise.

However, if you’ve fallen into the habit of starting and ending your day when you “feel” like it, your mood and productivity can suffer. The lack of structure in your day can cause feelings of uneasiness and anxiety that are fully preventable. You may also miss out on opportunities that arise during the hours you miss. Starting this week, set consistent working hours for each day. While you can modify these hours if needed, having this routine will improve your mood, help you better establish work-life boundaries, and increase your efficiency.

Enhance the energy of your space

After you’ve chosen your remote “office,” make sure that the space is optimized to promote positive energy. This includes keeping your space clean and free of clutter, since a messy office can distract you from work. One of the biggest indicators of negative energy in a home is clutter. Excess clutter can inhibit the way energy flows through your home (and office), so it could be holding in bad energy. To cultivate positive energy in your workspace — and enhance your mood and productivity — take an afternoon to deep clean.

When you use these habits to build your daily routine, you will find it much easier to get through your workday. Your newfound sense of peace, productivity, and focus are essential in helping you reach your career and life goals.

Terry Sidford is a renowned speaker, TEDx presenter, author, and life coach. She has helped many individuals and organizations achieve their goals and unleash their full potential. Learn more about Terry today.

A special thanks to Amy Collett for her contribution, learn more about Amy and her services here:

Posted on February 20, 2021 .